Thursday, May 14, 2009

Double Vision

It's been so long since I posted an outfit that I dug through my old photos and found this from about two months ago. The photo is sort of crappy quality.

I wasn't actually posing for this to be an outfit post (I'm not wearing any shoes!). My boyfriend was just taking loads of pictures with his camera, which he had just gotten.

Blazer - Urban Outfitters, Jeans - Delias, Top - Anthropologie, Flower clip - Anthropologie

Pretty Pleats

Can I have them, please? There's something about the ruffles at the back that I'm totally in love with.

I guess I can settle for these since I'm not made of money.

Nasty Gal

They're not quite the same level of sophistication, but they're still pretty awesome.

ETA: Just found these saved on my computer!

Shoes for Lovely People Hollywood Pump

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm still alive

I've never bought anything from American Apparel and usually I don't really like the stuff in the store anyway. But, I've finally been won over.

It's official, I need this dress.

Cotton Bandeau Dress

Why wouldn't I want a dress that could be worn 15 different ways (seriously, watch the video)?

Also, I'm sorry I haven't posted recently! Between finishing my finals and moving out and saying goodbye to everyone, I haven't really been dressing all that wonderfully. Case in point, I'm wearing old jeans and a Gap t-shirt. I don't even like the Gap.

I did recently buy a dress and sweater that I love, as well as a pair of shoes from Bakers. But I'm saving them for my vacation.

On Friday I will be jetting to Paris! Then I'll be in Poland and two weeks later I'll finally be back. And when I do get back, expect LOTS of pictures.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

She works hard for the money

Well, not yet I don't. But I am trying to get a summer job because I desperately need one to build up my savings after I go on vacation next week and so I can continue to shop!

Tomorrow I will be interviewing for a job as a sales associate at Urban Outfitters. There's one opening in the mall near me and I'm quite excited because the closest one to me is over 40 minutes away.

Now, I know there are some people out there who sort of hate UO (just as there are those of us who love it). But I usually bookmark a variety of pages under my "wanna buy" folder. Like these lovelies. All of which are clothes I kinda want for my upcoming b-day.

Normally leggings seem like a horrible idea for me. But these seem fabulous! I actually want to go out and buy them.

This vest would go lovely with my current collection vests.

And I love jackets and sweatshirts. So I think this would be AWESOME.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Outfit envy

Sometimes the clothes at Forever 21 just look cheap. But I am loving these outfits.

You can definitely see designer inspiration in the outfits, like the floral jacket and the black and gold heels.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pre-platinum days

Who is the mystery brunette with the homemade attire?

It's Lady Gaga!

I have to say, I rather like her white dress.

Lady Gaga pictures as a brunette are from WWD.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fun in the Sun

I want this bathing suit so badly. But I hate buying bathing suits without trying them on and I feel like way too much of my money goes to Mod Cloth.

Friday, May 1, 2009

By any other name ... seriously, pick another

I disliked the idea of combining two peoples' names ala Brangelina or TomKat. But I do like the word "bromance" and use it on a fairly regular basis to describe the undying love between my boyfriend and his friend.

I abhor the word "bandal." WTF? It's the combination of "boot" and "sandal." I was initially wary of the new style of boots that could be worn for spring but I then started liking them the more I saw them.

Zero + Maria Cornejo

Jeffrey Campbell

Bakers' Payti

Mod Cloth's Majorette Booties

But Nylon is calling them bandals. I don't know if Nylon started that or if they're going off of someone else's decision, but either way it blows.

I am putting my foot down (unfortunately it's not clad the Majorette Bootie) and refusing to refer to spring boots by the name "bandal."